Voir les détails de l’anomalie
Identifiant | Projet | Catégorie | Visibilité | Date de soumission | Dernière mise à jour |
0002411 | NOALYSS | Improve Use | public | 2025-03-06 13:55 | 2025-03-06 13:55 |
Rapporteur | Marca | Affecté à | |||
Priorité | normale | Sévérité | mineur | Reproductibilité | toujours |
État | nouveau | Résolution | ouvert | ||
Version du produit | 9.3 | ||||
Résumé | 0002411: In order to issue invoice with a full description of the task through FOLLOW | ||||
Description | When we have a customer order processed in FOLLOW, the request is to have the opportunity to transfer the description directly in the final invoice as an option in CFG/MDOC/C0ACT. In this way, the user may keep the same description in the customer order and invoices without a copy-paste. | ||||
Étapes pour reproduire | In CFG/MDOC/C0ACT, to add a option to transfer the description to the field Note of the invoice. In Follow, if the option selected, when we transform the customer order into an invoice, to transfer the field description as it is in the field Note of the invoice in VEN | ||||
Balises | Aucune balise n’est attachée. | ||||
Extension Noalyss | Aucun | ||||
Date de modification | Nom d’utilisateur | Champ | Changement |
2025-03-06 13:55 | Marca | Nouvelle anomalie |